7 Quotes & Sayings By Utpal Vaishnav

Utpal Vaishnav is a certified Master Coach and a Certified Positive Psychology Coach. Utpal has been a pioneer in the field of positive psychology. He has published over 50 books in a variety of genres including fiction, self-help, and health, and his works have been translated into sixteen languages. He is the founder, president and CEO of Positive Psychology Institute, a leading provider of training and certification for positive psychology professionals Read more

In 2009, he was awarded the “Outstanding Achievement in Service to Psychology” from the American Psychological Association. In 2010, he received the “Outstanding Contribution to Applied Positive Psychology” from the Society for a Science of Well-Being.

In the midst of desert, I found there was, within me, a beautiful lake. In the midst of night, I found there was, within me, an unbeatable morning. I realize through it all, that …No matter how difficult the challenges are, within me, there is a force that wants me to push back. The force wants me to live my personal legend there is no matter what. May the Force be with me … and with you. Utpal Vaishnav
Keep faith in your abilities to deal with an uncertain next Utpal Vaishnav
When you want to learn something, all the life experiences conspire in helping you to learn. Utpal Vaishnav
A meaningful life is the life full of meaningful relationships. Create yours. Utpal Vaishnav
Substance is like tree and smartness its shadow. The smartness is what we think it is and the substance is the real thing! Utpal Vaishnav
No actions, no results. Everything else is a commentary. Utpal Vaishnav